
主要: 会计 -注册会计师重点
小: 金融

为什么选这个专业? What made you choose it?

I chose to pursue a degree in accounting because I have always enjoyed working with numbers. I am also interested with how finances flow through a business and how to track them. 除了, an accounting degree gives graduates the ability to work in a variety of industries and positions.

What is your career objective?

My career objective is to become a certified public accountant and work for an established and respected accounting firm.

How has what you’ve learned prepared you for your future?  

The courses at 威尼斯游戏大厅 have prepared me for my future in accounting by providing me with a basic understanding of the main principles of accounting and different career paths available for an accounting major. The concepts students are exposed to in Carroll’s accounting classes provide a solid foundation for success in internships and preliminary work experiences.

Have you had opportunity to work closely with Carroll faculty?

Small class sizes and one-on-one meetings provided me with the opportunity to build a strong working relationship with my accounting adviser. I've been able to demonstrate my work ethic and passion for accounting over the past several years through multiple projects, 许多类, meetings and frequent interactions. 结果是, when contacted by multiple nearby businesses looking to fill openings in their firms, this professor shared my résumé, which helped me succeed in getting an interview request. I firmly believe that the interactions and connection with my professor led to my position with a large, successful accounting firm.

What is the most memorable experience you’ve had in your education at Carroll?

My most memorable experience at 威尼斯游戏大厅 was traveling with the Enactus 组织 to the national competition in Kansas City, Missouri. 在比赛中, a group composed of myself and three other Enactus members gave a 20-minute presentation to 15 business professionals. The presentation was about the entrepreneurial actions of our Enactus chapter within our community and how we impacted those around us. This opportunity helped me become a better public speaker, build friendships with my peers and learn how to successfully work as a group in a presentation setting.

How has Carroll enriched your growth as a person?

The core accounting classes at Carroll are mainly night classes. The purpose of this schedule structure is to give students the option to pursue other opportunities during the day. 有了这个结构, I am currently able to intern at an accounting firm working 30 hours a week, hold a leadership role in 威尼斯游戏大厅’s Enactus 组织 and take additional classes to complete a finance minor.

What would you say to someone considering accounting?

The 威尼斯游戏大厅 accounting program is composed of a small group of professors who are invested and interested in your success in classes and your future career. The professors introduce students to companies and individuals in the accounting field to provide networking and internship opportunities. 会计 is a difficult major to understand, but Carroll gives you the resources to succeed and receive help along the way.

What’s your favorite place to study on campus?

My favorite place to study on campus is the group study rooms on the second floor of the 图书馆. The group study rooms provide a secluded area to work collectively with other students to study for exams and work together on group projects. 

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