
Dr. 苏珊·汉森

健康和医学教授 获取联系信息




Dr. Hanson joined the Carroll faculty in 2009. She teaches lecture and lab courses in Introductory and Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology including: ANP100, ANP130, ANP140, ANP402, 和ANP403. She also serves as a 学前健康专业顾问 for students who plan to attend medical, 牙科, 医师助理, 物理治疗, 职业治疗, 兽医, 足部医疗, 或者是药学院.

Dr. Hanson grew up in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. After earning her undergraduate degree from Luther College (Decorah, IA), she did her graduate work at Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN), where she studied protein-protein interactions and cell signaling in the visual system. She used several molecular techniques (e.g. 蛋白质纯化, multi-angle laser light scattering, SDSL-EPR, 蛋白质-蛋白质结合试验, 等.) as well as genetically modified mice to determine how arrestin proteins interact with G-protein coupled receptors and other signaling molecules inside cells.

Dr. Hanson also completed a postdoctoral fellowship at UW-Madison where she used electrophysiological techniques (two-electrode voltage clamping and patch clamping) and applied basic pharmacology (dose response analysis, 放射性配体结合, 等) to study how benzodiazepines and other drugs bind to and modulate GABA-A receptor activity. 在威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校, she also taught lectures and led discussion sessions as part of a team of instructors in three different physiology courses, including excitable membrane physiology and the neurophysiology lab for medical students.


  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006-2009    
  • Ph.D., Pharmacology, Vanderbilt University, 2005
  • B.A., Biology and Chemistry (summa cum laude), Luther College, 2001


Human Anatomy and Physiology, Pharmacology, Cell Signaling, Structural Biology, Protein Chemistry

Scholarly and Professional Achievements

Wrote and published the lab manuals for the Introductory Anatomy and Physiology courses at Carroll:

  • ANP130 (McGraw-Hill, 1st edition: 2011…4th edition: 2024)
  • ANP140 (McGraw-Hill, 1st edition: 2011…4th edition: 2024)
  • ANP100 (McGraw-Hill, 1st edition: 2024)

Published over 25 peer-reviewed research articles (14 first author or co-first author) in journals such as:

  • 神经元(2005)
  • Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (2006, 2007, 2012)
  • Embo j (2007)
  • 《威尼斯游戏大厅》(2013)
  • 神经科学杂志(2008)
  • 结构(2008)
  • Br J Pharmacol (2011)
  • J Med Chem (2008)
  • J Biol Chem (2004, 2006, 2006, 2011)
  • J Mol Bio (2005, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2021)

Presented scientific research at international conferences including Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (2003-2007), American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2006-2007), and Society for Neuroscience (2007-2009).

Service to 威尼斯游戏大厅 and Profession

  • Pre-Health顾问
  • ANP130课程协调员 & ANP140
  • 学前健康专业顾问
  • Instructional Faculty Promotion Committee
  • 教职员执行委员会
  • 戴维斯·奥托奖学金委员会
  • Member of the National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions
  • Member of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society


  • Allhiser Award for Teaching Excellence (威尼斯游戏大厅, 2020)
  • Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award (威尼斯游戏大厅, 2019)
  • NRSA Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship
  • Society for Neuroscience Postdoctoral 旅行 Award
  • Vanderbilt University 研究生 Fellowship
  • R.J. 麦克尔罗伊博士预科奖学金
  • P.E.O. 威尼斯游戏大厅奖
  • NIH博士预科培训基金
  • National Eye Institute 旅行 Award
  • ASBMB年会旅游奖


I really enjoy interacting with all the students, faculty, and staff at Carroll. The campus is filled with great people, each of whom has a unique set of talents and strengths.

My favorite thing about teaching is watching the students grow from the time they start classes in the fall until their final exams in the spring. It is amazing how much change takes place over the course of the school year, not only in terms of acquired knowledge but also in terms of skill development, 成熟, 和问责制. It is a lot of fun to get to know students as they journey through life and to help them as much as possible along the way (even if it’s only for a short time)!

What should students know about you?

I have been married for ~20 years and have three children. Frequently the tales that arise from raising small children enter my classroom as humorous asides. I like to think that the injection of a little humor into my teaching helps students remember a thing or two here and there.

Other fun facts about me: I love to run. I’ve completed several half marathons and hope to do a full marathon before I die. When not running, my husband and I enjoy road biking together. If the kids come along for the ride, a stop at the ice cream shop is required. 我夏天都在户外度过. I don’t consider mowing the lawn and tending to my perennial garden “yard work”; it’s all fun for me! 否则, you’ll find me playing games with my kids or driving them somewhere so that they can play games without me.
